Candy cane Brownie trifle #Christmas #Candy

You could not be more decadent than brownies topped with Peppermint chocolate sauce and whipped cream. It's a bit rich is an impressive dessert to serve after Christmas dinner. This is one of my favorite holiday desserts. I make it every year!

So I'm busy selecting what to buy spinach at the products in the store yesterday, when a weary-looking employees appeared to me.  "Ma'am, you spilled sugar. "

Not just a little tiny Sprinkle of sugar out. Niagra falls worth the sugar out, enough for me to make my own little mountain here. I feel so bad for the people who have to clean it up, but I was laughing so hard. I feel like someone told me that I had toilet paper stuck to my shoes, toilet paper trailing hundreds of feet behind me.

Candy cane Brownie trifle

  •  1 9 x 13 inch pan Baked Brownies (recipe is my favorite)
  •  6 ounces (1 cup) semi-sweet chocolate chips
  •  3 tablespoons butter
  •  1 and a half cup of 1/4 and half or cream
  •  sugar 3/4
  •  3 tablespoons light-colored corn syrup
  •  1/4 teaspoon peppermint extract
  •  2 cups whipping cream
  •  1/4 Cup powder sugar
  •  1/4 or 1/2 teaspoons peppermint extract
  •  1 cup crushed candy canes (about 12 candy cane)


  1. Start by making brownies. Box blends well. Be sure not to over bake them. Remove the brownies from the oven and cool completely (if you are in a hurry stick them in the freezer).  Cut into bite-size Brownie chunks and set aside.
  2. Meanwhile, in a saucepan combine chocolate chips and 3 tablespoons butter. Cook and stir over low heat until melted. 
  3. Stir in 1 cup half and half or cream and 1/4, 3/4 cups of sugar and corn syrup.  Simmer gently over medium heat.  Bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring, about 5 minutes (set a timer!) or until the sauce is reduced to about 2 1/3 cups.  Remove from the heat. Allow to cool for a minute or two, until it stops bubbling. 
  4. Stir in peppermint extract teaspoon 1/4.  Cool to room temperature; mixture thickens as it cools. (Freezer or fridge mini also help here).
  5. For whipped cream, chilled in Bowl combine 2 cups of cream, powdered sugar and 1/4 or 1/2 teaspoons peppermint extract.  Beat with a whisk to cool from the mixer on medium speed until soft peaks form.
  6. In the small cup dessert Brownie layer, alternating 16 pieces, chocolate sauce, whipped cream, and crushed candy cane, ending with whipped cream and candy cane.  Serve immediately.
  7. If you want to do this all in one bowl, place trivial 1/3 of brownie chunks in a 3-quart Bowl or trifle dish.  Drizzle with chocolate sauce from 1/4.  Sprinkle with 1/4 of the candy cane.  1/3 the top with whipped cream.  Repeat layers two more times.  Drizzle with the remaining chocolate sauce; Sprinkle with remaining candy cane.  Serve immediately.

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