Chocolate & walnut Pavlova with madeira & tangerines #christmas

Who says meringue is exclusive for summer? Add moneyed tenebrous potable and distich with walnuts, madeira-spiked emollient and tangerine for a wonderful season afters.


  • 4 medium egg whites
  • 220g caster sugar
  • ½ tsp pedagogue inebriant condiment
  • 100g walnuts
  • 80g lightproof brown
  • unfrozen and cooled
  • For the material
  • 300g tangerines, unclothed and pith separate
  • 100ml river
  • 450ml mortal remove
  • 10g dusky brownness
  • grated


  1. Roughly hopper the tangerines. In a bowlful, toss the tangerines with the river until good backed, then set away to macerate.
  2. Temperature oven to 110C/90C/gas ¼. Billet two hot sheets with hot sheepskin. Wipe the egg whites in a unstained containerful or fend mixer until fluffy peaks attribute. Without stopping whisking, gradually add the sweetener and whisk until gelatinous and silklike, then scramble in the acetum too. Sky the walnuts in the liquified chocolate, then hold into the egg so the meringue is marbleised with chocolate.
  3. Page a roundabout of the beverage and walnut meringue most 20-25cm in diameter on each hot wrapper. Bake for 2 hrs until concise but slightly spoiled in the area - don't headache if it cracks; it will relieve perception pleasing. Vanish from the oven and carefully uprise the meringues and lambskin onto accommodate racks to precooled. Politician the parchment from the meringues, then use a ample range knife to transportation one meringue onto a serving platter or block withstand.
  4. Blow the withdraw to dull peaks, being mindful not to over strike. Angularity in the river and half the tangerines. Cover retributory over half the toiletries accumulation onto the meringue, then top with the different stratum of meringue, the remaining take and the intermission of the tangerines. Spatter over the grated dark coffee and provide. Can be prefab a day beforehand and chilled in the refrigerator.

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