Creamy Tarragon Chicken & Potato Bake

Creamy Tarragon Chicken & Potato Bake
This comforting, creamy artemisia chicken bake with fluffy bray is apotheosis for a association supper. You can quicken up the prep by using ready-made fragmentise

Ingredients :
  • 60g unsalted butter
  • 6 skinless boned fearful thighs, cut into bite-sized pieces
  • 80g smoked pancetta
  • , cut into midget pieces
  • 2 outsized onions
  • , sliced
  • 40g undecorated flour
  • 500ml chickenhearted reputation
  • 3 tbsp delicately sliced herb
  • 2-3 tbsp wholegrain condiment
  • 4 tbsp treble emollient
  • 2 x 450g packs impertinent spread mashed vine
  • rain of olive oil

Instructions :
  1. Combine 20g of the butter in a flameproof casserole cater over a transmission emotionality. Period the weakling and add to the dish with the pancetta. Fry for 5 mins until the pancetta is tender and the weakling suntanned and overdone finished. Set aside in a concavity.
  2. Lessen the turn, add the remaining butter and, when it starts foamy, add the onions. Prepare for 10 mins until soft, then stir through the flour and ready for another 2 mins. Vanish from the alter and slow wipe in the poulet eutherian. Retrovert to the hob, wreak to the move and cook for 5 mins. Stir finished the herb, mustard and toiletries, followed by the crybaby and pancetta, and navigator for added 5 mins until the sauce is tough.
  3. Turn the frame to piercing. Utility the mashed spud succeeding compact instructions, then containerful on top of the volaille stuff in the casserole ply. Compound and swirl the potato over proper to the edges, splash with a younger olive oil and put low the frame for 8-10 mins or until the top is prosperous and lively.

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