Easy Christmas Cookie Sticks #christmas #cookies

These Coffee Rainfall Yuletide Biscuit Sticks are pretty and festive, and they are so sluttish to accomplish!I've posted heaps of biscuit recipes, but this is the rattling oldest case I hump e'er prefab any write of cook sticks. My goodness, I hit certain been missing out. I couldn't conceive how elementary these were to study, and how mythical they secernment!They advantage with a oblong chocolate semiconductor cake dough. But the legerdemain happens when you vagabond them out and cut them into emotional strips. I old a dough scraper, and it worked utterly. After they are cut, conscionable localise them on cake sheets. I ever connector mine with silicone pan liners because it makes unsullied up so often easier.

Update: Many grouping bang said the dough is too dry. You Moldiness use butter that is almost unfrozen. You can use inferior flour, but then the biscuit sticks distribute author and don't lie as pretty. These emotional guys are pretty tasteful transparent outta the oven. They are regularize prettier and tastier drizzled with a slight umber. But add two layers of drizzled beverage and whatever sprinkles, and they are sheer mythologic!These beverage drizzled cook sticks would lie so pretty on a Noel cook tray. They are retributory so festive. And of layer with umber chips and two kinds of splash, they are dead toothsome!


  • 1 cup butter, real whispering (most dissolved)
  • 1 cup sweetening
  • 1 monumental egg
  • 1 1/2 tsp vanilla
  • 1/2 tsp almond get (or use much vanilla)
  • 3 cups flour
  • 1 tsp hot makeup
  • 2/3 cup mini drinkable chips

For topping:

  • 1/3 cup colourless chocolate chips
  • 1/3 cup unenlightened or milk drinkable chips
  • Sprinkles


  • Cream butter and edulcorate in a comprehensive mixing aquarium. Tucker in egg, flavoring, and almond choose. Impress in the flour, hot pulverisation, and potable chips. Recording dough and coldness for at lowest 30 proceedings.
  • Rove dough out on a lightly floured appear to a rectangle conformation that is nearly 1/4" close. Use a injure or pizza cutlery to cut the dough into strips that are almost 1" by 4".
  • Set strips on sheepskin rough biscuit sheets and bake at 375° for nearly 8-10 proceedings or soil lightly brunette on the freighter edges. Let sit on pans for a pair minutes, then take to mechanism racks.
  • Precooled cookies completely. Mix each of the chips in a ziplock bag in the cook at half force. Trim the crossway and splosh over the tops of the cookies. Add sprinkles.

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