Easy Seafood Paella
You can have this easy Seafood Paella on a table in much less time than with traditional methods, as we eliminate extra steps mortar to make pasta. There is no need for paella pot here; extra large pots or pans of any kind will work.
The seafood Paella is very suitable for those days when you just have to hunker down and cook your own seafood some comfort.
It is suitable for satisfying the delicious clams and rice craving when you don't have a mortar and pestle the size of a basketball.
I personally have come up with a simplified version, it's easier from the seafood paella because I don't have the patience to manually grinding all the herbs into a paste. Or do I have a pan of paella. Yet.
Paella and I need this because I pondered over the sea in my spare time. It is a little addicted to it for sure.
You can have this easy Seafood Paella on a table in much less time than with traditional methods, as we eliminate extra steps mortar to make pasta. There is no need for paella pot here; XL pot or pan anything will work.
Prep Time: 30 minutes Cook Time: 35 minutes Total time: 1 hour 5 minutes results: 6-8 category: dinner, main cuisine: stylish Spain
- 4-4 1/4 quality cups homemade or store bought chicken stock (whether Your broth, the better the taste of rice will)
- 2 cups clam juice (bottled, found in grocery stores)
- 1 lb firm white fish, cut into bite size pieces (i.e., mahi-mahi, Orange roughly, snapper, halibut or good.)
- 14 fresh clams in the shell, cleaned/de-bearded, and dried
- 14 mussels in shells, cleaned and dried
- 12 large or extra-large shrimp, peeled or unpeeled, de
- Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
- 4 TB salted butter
- 1 medium onion, chopped
- 8 cloves fresh garlic, minced
- 1/4 cup chopped fresh coriander
- 1/4 cup chopped fresh basil
- 1/4 cup chopped fresh Onion
- 3 TSP smoked paprika (it is important to use smoked paprika for a smoky flavor)
- 3 large Roma tomatoes, seeded and chopped
- 2 cups Arborio rice, dried
- Optional: slices of lemon or lime juice or chopped coriander leaves to serve
- In a pot, heat the 4 cups of chicken broth and juice of the clams. Cover and keep warm. Really dry towel fish and prawns, keeping them separate. Sprinkle with a layer of kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper. Set aside and continue with the recipe.
- In addition heavy skillet/Pan (or iron skillet throwing, but not nonstick,) salted butter Preheat on high heat. Add the onion and garlic, Cook and stir for 1 minute. Add the coriander, Basil and chives, stir for 1 min. Add smoked paprika and tomatoes, stirring to combine well. Cover and let cook 3-4 min to tomatoes become soft.
- Pour in broth/juice mixture the hot mussels. Bring to a boil. Add salt and pepper to taste (I'd rather add more seasoning than less, as the rice will absorb all.) Sprinkle rice over a pan. Bring to a boil for 3 minutes, uncovered, stirring occasionally. Smooth out the rice.
- Add the fish evenly over the rice. If necessary, press it down so that fish mostly submerged in the liquid. Don't stir at all from here on out. Lower the heat to a low boil and cook uncovered until most of the liquid is absorbed, but there's still enough to continue cooking 10 minutes (add up to 1/4 cups additional broth if too dry.)
- Add all the scallops evenly on top, put the scallops so they will open up the face. Cook over low simmer uncovered for 15 minutes, until the rice is tender and the shrimp is opaque. (Submit the shrimp once half way through cooking to make sure it cooks through.) Turn off the heat and immediately cover with dome lid or foil and let stand for 10 minutes. Discard any clams that have not opened. Serve immediately with lemon slices, lime or coriander leaves as desired.
- Sometimes the peas added, so feel free to use it if you like.
- Traditionally, a generous pinch of Saffron is used in paella. If you like, add the Saffron threads to the plate when the tomatoes are added.)
- This dish is eaten the day it is made; Arborio rice tend to become soggy the next day (similar to what happened to the risotto.)
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