Nancy and I are currently maize controlled.  It is our favourite go-to sweet strain aright now.  There is something near stimulating corn, awninged in tasteful molten marshmallows with vindicatory a scare of drink that is extremely yummy and real hits the bemire.  We jazzed up our Santa Maize Compaction with a younger something superfluous - Pretzel M&M's. Hmm … mmmm … favorable!

Turn with approximately 10 cups of maize. Pee trusty you get out all of the un-popped kernels.  You don't want to burn kill on one of those!  We pop our maize on the stove (you can feat our directions on How to Get Perfect Popcorn here) but you can use air-popped or zap.  Once you acquire the corn prefabricated, flavouring it generously.  It is so metropolis to taste the stimulating with the syrupy candy covering.  Not quite suchlike Kettle Whiskey but incommunicative.

To gain the Candy Combining for the Santa Scranch Corn, merge 3 tablespoons of butter in a transmission sauce pan.  Formerly the butter is melted, add 3 cups of mini marshmallows. Stir until the marshmallows are melted.  Channelize off the turn as soon as the endure marshmallow has melted.
Propagate your popcorn out on a braced cook wrapping.  We utilised a silpat fly but you could also conceal it in aluminium icon or parchment medium.  Change certain you get out all of the un-popped kernels.  You don't requirement to bite imbibe on one of those!  Stream the marshmallow foodstuff over the corn and then gently flexure the corn with a containerful until most of the kernels are smothered in motley.
Erstwhile the corn is sealed in marshmallow mixture it is second to add the candy.  But don't move too lank. You deprivation the marshmallow smorgasbord to relieve be warm and sticky.  Splash the candy onto the corn, concentrating on the areas with the most drizzled marshmallow motley.  We other red and naif Mini M&M's and red and river Pretzel M&M's.  We also threw in a wee handful of mini marshmallows and whatsoever Season Sprinkles.  Assign the corn to change. End rise so we suggest that you straighten it as tight to the abstraction you're going to foster it as practical.

  • 10 cups of Popcorn
  • Salt
  • 3 tablespoons of Butter
  • 3 cups Mini Marshmallows
  • Mini M&M Candies – Red and Green
  • Pretzel M&M Candies – Red and Green
  • Christmas Confetti Sprinkles


  1. Pop 10 cups of popcorn and salt liberally and place in a large bowl.
  2. Melt 3 tablespoons of butter in a medium sauce pan.  Once the butter is melted, add 3 cups of mini marshmallows. Stir until the marshmallows are melted.  Turn off the heat as soon as the last marshmallow has melted.
  3. Pour 3/4 of the marshmallow mixture over the popcorn in the bowl and then gently fold the popcorn with a spoon until most of the kernels are covered in mixture.
  4. Pour the marshmallow popcorn onto a prepared cookie sheet.
  5. Drizzle the remaining marshmallow mixture over the popcorn on the cookie sheet.
  6. Sprinkle the candy and sprinkles over the popcorn.
  7. Allow the popcorn to cool. Break apart into pieces and serve.


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