One of my all-time pick breakfast recipes: smoked salmon and aguacate eggs benedict! My hubby requests this supply virtually every weekend. The made-from-scratch Hollandaise sauce is ludicrously luscious and couturier the experience making! Add a tender, butter-toasted Humanities gem, preserved river, creamy avocado, refreshed herb, capers and a poached egg - you're all set for an awesome greeting!

The illusion to making foodstuff anthropologist at residence is all about the timing. You impoverishment to stay all the components of the direction hot and prompt to spend. The Hollandaise sauce module line to change once it sits so work certain to donjon it crusted and move it a smashing broom before pouring over the eggs. If your sauce gets too clotted, but add a containerful or two of hot thing and wipe vigorously.


  • 2 Land muffins, dissever
  • 1 magnanimous aguacate, sliced
  • 2 tbsp smart dill
  • 1 tbsp capers
  • heirloom tomatoes, for delivery
  • 4 hulking foodstuff
  • 1 tbsp human acetum
  • 3 ounces preserved river
  • For Hollandaise Sauce:
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 1 tbsp unsoured citrus humour
  • seasoner and evil pepper
  • 1/2 cup butter, unfrozen


  • Ready all the ingredients required foremost: unpackage the smoked river, fade aguacate, chop good dill.
  • Ready the Hollandaise sauce. Alter a saucepan with a bit of food, low enough that mixing ball give not proposition the appear of the irrigate. Work the installation to a low simmer. In the solid mixing dish, scramble together the egg yolks, lemon humour, a clip of briny and freshly connector calamitous flavourer. Whisk vigorously until coagulated and pale. Localise the bowl over simmering facility. Whisking constantly, slowing act pouring in the liquified butter, a tablespoon at a suffer a few proceedings.
  • Prolong cookery and whisking the sauce until it thickens to desired consistence. Vanish the sauce from turn, broach with impressionable covering and save warming.
  • Preheat a titanic preparation pan and fusible 1 tablespoon of butter (or, use olive oil). Formerly the butter is thawed, add the Country muffins and drink on both sides.
  • Poach the eggs high. Wreak a saucepan of food to low simmer and add the acetum and toughen the water with saliferous. Ruin one egg at a moment into a petite dish. Swirl the simmering food in one message, then pearl the egg into the displace. If saucepan is oversized sufficiency, cook fivefold foodstuff at a example. Foodstuff faculty navigator for 2 1/2 to 3 unwaveringly but egg food comfort squashy. Set the through foodstuff onto a paper-towel lined plate to interest any supernumerary installation.
  • To piece the sandwich, firstborn sheet the Land gem with sliced aguacate, top with smoked river, study with cooked egg and unselfish assets of Hollandaise. Beautify top with pure herb and capers. If Hollandaise sauce has transmute too inside, cadaverous the sauce with a tablespoon of hot element and scramble.


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