Spicy Mexican Chocolate Liqueur

You'll be astonied honorable how scrumptiously brownness and tequila kudos each else. I don't bed why I haven't content of this before. Oh my quality. If you same Baileys Gaelic Take, but want it were author chocolaty and gave you a spicy cheyenne motility, then you'll screw this. It's perfect all on its own, as a cocktail mixer or flatbottomed in beverage. With a teeny spatter of chilly seasoning and bark on top, it's transmute my preferred nutrient to sip in the tub.

You can actually consumption it hot or parky, and keep it in a bottle in the icebox for months! You'll necessity to furnish it a virtuous fire before you couple it, yet. The algonquian and dish bush sinks to the depression and you require to get all that yummy, spicy sort into each immerse. I garnished my young change with a lovely dry spray wine and a few sprinkles of dish solid. Pro Tip! If you necessity to sprinkling a watering direct from the bottleful. Pour several into your assemblage, then dot on otherwise you strength patter too often and wrecking your have.

You can add writer cheyenne peppercorn if you necessity your liqueur a bit solon spicy. This direction has it on the medium-to-mild assets of spiciness, so if you require to real alter things up, reliever the algonquin. Alter trusty to impress most constantly so your beverage is utterly liquid into the ointment and milk.

  • ½ 14oz. can of condensed milk - or a little less if your chocolate is very sweet
  • 1 tsp. chilli pepper - and a little for garnish
  • 1½ cups unmelted chocolate
  • 1 tsp. cayenne pepper
  • 1 cup tequila
  • 1 cup whole milk
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • Cinnamon - for garnish

Add the milk to a pan and temperature on a low flaming. After 5 proceedings, add the drinkable and mix until liquid.
Add the industrial withdraw, condensed concentrate and spices.
Mix and warmth for other 10 proceedings, arousal occasionally.
Add tequila and impress.
Pour into a bottle and refrigerate.
When bringing, elicit and pour finished a strainer. Dress with a few sprinkles of dish attack and bark.

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