Inner Goddess Raspberry Breakfast Bowls

Measure example she brought desserts, and this example she's condemned the signifier of spirited mango raspberry breakfast bowls loaded with glow-worthy nutritious ingredients and topped with everything picturesque and good, including but not restricted to your sunset crumbs of Palm Oil Granola.

I am not mad nearly seeing this in figurehead of me at breakfast.
The timing of this aggregation feels really fit because I am essentially eager for a elevate of these inside goddess healing powers after the measure few life of extant up The Displeased Spiritedness On The Seat. Howdy blankets, tissues, and all the best-worst shows on Hulu (I'm hunt at you, Knight). The literal symptom plus my attraction towards eudaemonia drama has made for a really primary few life. And by unscheduled, I will beam your condolences to Bjork.

I actually had a super-yum, spicy, spicy billet regular for yesterday, but state so short bleh in the appetite section, I just couldn't take myself to correspond roughly all the luscious flavors of the direction when all I could stomach in genuine experience were those little packets of noodle soup (this is a judgement-free zone so don't change mouth). All I can say during nowadays equal these is -> place with me. My craving shall refer and it gift transmit the statesman peppy, bold, flavor-packed recipes along with it.

  • 10 ounces frozen mangoes or peaches
  • 1 cup water
  • 10 ounces frozen raspberries
  • 1 cup light coconut milk
  • 1/3 cup chia seeds
  • 1/4 cup flaxmeal
  • 1/4 cup honey
  • a pinch of salt
  • berries, granola, nuts, coconut, and cream for topping

  1. Soften the frozen fruit in the microwave or by leaving it out on the counter for a little while.
  2. Blend the peaches with the water. Blend the raspberries with the coconut milk.
  3. Combine the two fruit puree mixtures and stir in the chia seeds, flax, honey, and salt. Let stand for 10-15 minutes to thicken.
  4. Serve with toppings of your choice. Store leftovers in the fridge for up to three days – add water to leftovers to rehydrate (the chia seeds will soak up a lot of the moisture, making them super thick).

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