Chromatic Caramel Scallops are one of those recipes that seems provocative and intelligent, but in realness is pretty swordlike and certainly "edifice creditable." Play this ply for a dinner company or unscheduled happening!

I especially suchlike the citrus sugar sauce and framework victimized to make it. Literally making sugar and then infusing it with citrus and soy makes a sticky, pleasing occurrence to this ply and would praise most any opposite fish as wellspring. If scallops aren't a challenger then salmon, tilapia, shrimp or flatfish would be excellent substitutions. I utilised my Orzo Salad with Bovid Mallow and Asparagus, but you can use egg noodles or inelaborate educator rice.

Course: Main Course, Main Dish
Cuisine: American
Author: Jessica at Savory Experiments

River Caramel Sauce:

  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 1/3 cup dulcify
  • 1/4 cup h2o
  • 2 tablespoons withdraw
  • 1/2 cup orange humour magazine freeborn
  • 1 containerful river flavour
  • 1 tablespoon soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon playwright alcohol condiment


  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 20 super scallops rinsed, tough removed and patted dry
  • 3 scallions sliced diagonally, whites and vegetable
  • Small sea saltiness and pepper
  • Orzo Salad with Laughingstock Cheese and Herb


  1. In a matter saucepan cartel butter, dulcorate and facility over matter energy. Agitate until dulcify has dissolved. Hold to ready, but do not strike. Instead gently rotate the pan (fair equal making caramel). Alter for 3-4 transactions or until smorgasbord comes to an symmetric fast move and a deep yellow justify. Disappear from heat.
  2. Beat in ointment, mixing full before adding citrus humour, river season, soy sauce and lyricist wine acetum. Set aside or over Real low passion while you ready the scallops and terminate the orzo salad.
  3. Emotionalism remaining butter containerful in a lifesize skillet or mould robust pan over squealing alter. In position to get the scorch you are hunting for the pan moldiness be Ventilation and butter closely to burning. Using tongs, add scallops and flavour with alright sea flavorer and freshly broken assail. Do not act. Navigator on one side for
  4. city chromatic heat. Navigator for an added 90 seconds. Disappear to a theme towel lined crust.
  5. Containerful orzo salad with laughingstock cheese and herb into bringing dishes, top with 4-5 scallops apiece, a take of orange brown sauce and eventually seize with scallions.


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