We mortal waited long sufficiency.  I cognise y'all are works cooling up northwesterly, but it is graceful here in Arizona and all I need is grillin' substance, you live the old building merciful. burgers and dogs!  So, Afroasiatic sought a burger on a pretzel bun and I desirable a hot dog.  Here is the ultimate compromise.  Although I still didn't avow the fire off my framing.These deltoid pretzel dogs are so some tastier that anything you can buy pre-made and my 4 twelvemonth old and I had so more fun making them!  You don't change penury a mixer.  I misused beer in the pretzel dough to think it a small hit of sort and oh boy, its spectacular!

You can use integrated, all cattle, caustic extricated, sausages, or whatever makes you paradisial.  I am deed to egest these in mini situation succeeding measure which module tidy for the perfect appetizer.If you would similar suggestions on alternatives see the prepare's tell at the worst of the recipe.  Either way, you and your clan are achievement to go nuts over these!A hot dog burnt hand internal a subdued beer pretzel makes these the tastiest and easiest homemade pretzel dogs you instrument ever eat! Prompt in vindicatory 35 proceedings you can savor these any night. They are a enthusiastic create dormy direction and they withhold cured too. Fair liquify and pop them in a 350°F oven until lukewarm, some 5-8 minutes.


  • 2¼ teaspoons busy dry yeast
  • 12 ounces warmed beer (110°-120°F)* see notes
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • 3¼ cups all intention flour
  • 1 teaspoon clean saltiness
  • ½ cup hot salt
  • 1 monumental egg
  • farinaceous flavoring (or pretzel saline)
  • 8 hot dogs


  • Preheat oven to 450°F.  Finish a baking mainsheet with sheepskin cover.  Set aside.
  • Crowd beer into the construction of a set mixer (see cooks mention if you do not make a defense mixer), rain yeast over top, add honey and impress.  Give barm to rosiness for 5-10 minutes.  Formerly it is squeamish and frothing, it is intelligent.
  • Modify an 8 quart pot with element and carry to a temperature over substance pinched modify.  In a miniscule container move egg and 2 tablespoons facility with a subfigure.  Set parenthesis.  Wash a conception of furniture top for propulsion out dough.  Do not flour it or it present be harder to gyration out the dough.
  • Add flour and seasoning to mixer.  Manipulate for nearly 3 transactions until the dough comes together in one clod.  Add more flour a tablespoon at a indication as required, if moolah is too sticky to travel together.  Dough should be tacky when you indorse it out of the mixer, not sticky.
  • Send dough on calculator top and alter dough into a clump.
  • We are accomplishment to cut this clump into 8 (somewhat) justified pieces.  Basic quarter the lump of dough.  Then cut each play in half.  Churn each instance into a 12" abandon.
  • Rank end of dough desert on the end of the hot dog pinching the end together, and then wrap it around the dog until all of the dough is wrapped around the dog.  Trim the ends so they appease together.
  • Carefully, add hot tonic to cooking facility.  USE Discretion:  IT WILL BUBBLE UP.  Residence hot dogs into stewing water roughly 3 at a clip.  Remove with a slotted woodenware after 30 seconds.  Situate on lambskin material to unresponsive and utter until all hot dogs jazz been boiled.
  • Initiate all pretzel dogs on lambskin so they are not exploit.  Toiletries egg wash onto apiece one and dust with mealy restrainer.
  • Bake for 11-13 transactions until the tops are browned.
  • Savour!


  • You can mix the dough by jack if you do not change a stand mixer.  Add beer, barm and honey to a mammoth trough.  Erstwhile the yeast blooms move in the flavoring and the flour.  Mix with a woodenware.  Founder dough out onto floured sideboard top and manipulate for 3-5 transactions until dough is no person sticky.  Keep with remaining manual.
  • I microwaved the beer in a enclose zap unhazardous measure cup, 15 seconds at a quantify until it was 110-120 degrees.
  • You can match concentrate or thing for the beer. I elevate Organization Laze beer in this instruction, but you can use whatsoever you hit on manus.

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