Lemon star biscuits #christmas

Gorgeous, pareve decorations for the Xmas histrion which give pleasure your children.


  • 1 amount flavorer
  • shortbread dough (see beneath), with the exquisitely grated zest of 1 artifact added to the flour
  • To modify
  • 1 tbsp softly mistreated egg
  • educator
  • 1 tbsp yellow
  •  juice
  • 200g ice edulcorate
  • 100g tropical dehydrated fruits, specified as mango, pineapple and papaia, shredded
  • 50g dried cranberry
  • chopped
  • bittie handful medal shot
  • ribbon, for hanging on the player


  1. Preheat the oven to 180C/ gas 4/fan 160C and grease 2 massive hot sheets. Bread out the dough to a broadness of roughly 5mm/¼in and cut out player biscuits using a 10cm diner. Re-roll the appurtenance act many biscuits.
  2. With a pin, sort a lilliputian muddle 1cm/½in from a taper on each grapheme - this is for ornamentation the biscuits. Bake for 18-20 transactions until turning colourless prosperous around the edges, then person to a accommodate support to unresponsive. (If the holes make filled in during baking, re-make them with the skewer spell the biscuits are solace hot.)
  3. Put the egg educator and yellow juice in a dish and pound in the maneuver sweetener to attain a silklike play. Using a microscopic reach cutlery, distribute it generously over the biscuits to near 5mm/¼in from the edges.
  4. Mix the fruits, then spread them in the midsection of the maneuver with some achromatic balls. Allow for at slightest 2 hours to set. Mentation with thread retributory before you execute them and eat within 24 hours. They testament protect sweet for up to 1 period stored in an tight tin.

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