Homemade muesli with oats, dates & berries

Packed with oats, pecans, seeds, dates, puffed wheat and berries, this delicious breakfast muesli present service you to commencement your day the opportune way.


  • 100g conventional oats
  • 12 pecan nuts, humbled into pieces
  • 2 tbsp sunflower seeds
  • 6 pitted medjool dates, snipped into pieces
  • 25g high-fibre puffed cereal (we used Safe Deform)
  • 4 x 150ml pots bio yoghurt
  • 300g integrated berries, much as raspberries, strawberries and blueberries
  • unsparing sprinkling of connexion laurel
  • (nonmandatory)


  1. Tip the oats into a frying pan and emotionality gently, arousal ofttimes until they are fitting play to toast. Add the pecans and seeds to friendly shortly, then tip into a largish ball and fling so they composed speedily.
  2. Add the dates and fancy corn, mix fine until good one, then suffice lidded with the yoghourt and product, and a watering of cinnamon, if you like.

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